Les Nocturnes Théâtrales 2025 tour in Nolay (from 9.00pm to 10.30pm)


You can stay up till midnight! Follow Jacquot & Jacquotte and their band!
During the summer, at nightfall, the Jacquemarts of Nolay, Jacquot and Jacquotte, come down from the bell tower of St Martin’s Church to meet you on the forecourt, the starting point for a fun stroll for the whole family in Nolay.
Dressed in their costumes, they’ll tell you the history of the town and its monuments because, from the top of their bell tower, they’ve witnessed some adventures!
Interactive theatre sketches set the pace for this unusual stroll through town, with music and songs.
The visit ends with a friendly moment where actors and the public share and interact over a drink and local products.
An original, fun way to discover and learn!
A leaflet presenting the programme for this theatre walk is available for non-French-speakers in their own language; document available in English, German and Dutch.
Please note, places are limited!

Additional information:
- Take part in the fun walk, free glass and a friendly tasting at the end of the walk
- Tickets on site 20 minutes before departure

Place and time of the event:
Forecourt of the church of Saint-Martin de Nolay (next to Les Halles) – NOLAY (21340)
Lasts: 1 hr 30
- July:
Friday 18 July at 9.00pm
Friday 25 July at 9.00pm

- August:
Friday 8 August at 9.00pm
Wednesday 13 August at 9.00pm
Wednesday 20 August at 9.00pm

Booking conditions:
In accordance with articles 121-21-8, and by exception article L121-21 of the consumer code, bookings are final after payment.
In the event of cancellation, there will be no refund of payment.
Bookings are taken within the limit of available places
You can present your printed paper ticket or e-ticket on your smartphone to take part in the theatre night walk that you have purchased.
Ticket valid only on the date selected by the purchaser, according to the health conditions in force on the date of the event, proof of your purchase online/at the counter on the ticketing platform of the Beaune & Pays Beaunois Tourist Office.



Parvis de l'église Saint-Martin
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 46.95244
Longitude : 4.63306